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The Arts In Every Classroom: A Workshop for Elementary School Teachers

Watch the Program

(60 minutes)

While you watch, consider these focus questions:

Lesson 1: Researching Clues

  • Based on the written description of Parade, what kinds of images come to mind? Think in terms of dance, music, theatre, and visual art.
  • What are the advantages of group research, and how can students be prepared for success in this model?

Lesson 2: Musical Cues

  • What is “program music,” and how does the music in Quidam express mood?
  • How have key vocabulary words been integrated into this lesson?

Lesson 3: Vaudeville

  • What are the important elements in the vaudeville theatrical style, and where do you see influences of this style in Quidam?
  • How do the students mix elements of reality and fantasy to create their vaudeville performances?

Lesson 4: Critic School

  • What are the essential elements of criticism? How is criticism useful in understanding works of art?
  • How does this performance task serve to assess student understandings in dance, music, theatre, and visual art?

Activities and Discussions

Writing Criticism (30 minutes)

Facilitator: Distribute and discuss the Criticism: Purposes and Process (PDF) handout.

View (or recall) the three-minute opening sequence of Quidam, with the purpose of writing a critique of this segment.

Divide into three groups for these activities:

  • Group 1 will write a description of the opening sequence without interpretation or judgment.
  • Group 2 will write an analysis of how artistic elements were employed and to what effect.
  • Group 3 will write an evaluation of the opening sequence with supporting evidence for group members’ opinions.

Share the findings with all participants. Discuss points of disagreement and consider why people have different opinions.

Reflection (10 minutes)
Use the following questions to focus a closing discussion:

  • Identify the progression of Bloom’s Taxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation. In what ways are students challenged to synthesize and evaluate through the four lessons you saw?
  • How has your understanding of “multi-arts” and “criticism” changed?
  • In what ways will an expanded understanding of the criticism process lead your students to higher levels of thinking?
  • How do you envision collaboration with your colleagues as you begin to think about integrating the arts into your curriculum?
