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Essential Science for Teachers: Life Science

TerrAqua Column | Track Our Progress: What Is It? | Terrestrial System

Scroll through the pictures below to see enlargements of the terrestrial habitat of our TerrAqua system. See the What Is It? activity instructions for questions to consider, and use the What Is It? Data Sheet (PDF) to classify each component. If you need help, the TerrAqua Column Organisms Information Sheet (PDF) may be useful.

Note: Because our goals were to use the TerrAqua Column as a learning tool for your Essential Science for Teachers course, we combined local collections with purchased specimens to make our system particularly diverse; your components, of course, may differ.


1 - Selaginella

Radish Seeds (sprouted)

2 - Radish Seeds (sprouted)


3 - Beetle


4 - Millipede

Pine Seedling

5 - Pine Seedling

6 - Potato Cube Sprout

Grass Seeds

7 - Grass Seeds (sprouted)

Bread Mold

8 - Bread Mold

Slime Mold (magnified 100x)

9 - Slime Mold (magnified 100x)


10 - Earthworm


11 - Fern

Pill Bugs

12 - Pill Bugs

Dried Peas

13 - Dried Pea (sprouted)

14 - Soil Bacteria


15 - Liverwort


16 - Anole
